Our platform offers a flexible and efficient way for you to order products from China. You can either browse and shop directly on our website or contact us for custom orders. Once your order is confirmed, we handle the packaging and securely store your goods in our warehouse, ready for shipment. We provide two shipping options to suit your needs: air freight for a quicker delivery within 5 days, or sea freight for larger shipments, which typically takes 45 to 50 days. Whether you choose air or sea, we ensure that your products are handled with care and delivered promptly to your specified location
we tailor our services to meet the specific needs of each client. Whether by air or sea, we ensure your shipments arrive safely and on time, backed by a team that knows the ins and outs of international logistics.
Our team handles every step of the process with precision, ensuring that your goods are packed, stored, and shipped with the highest standards of care.
We provide secure warehousing and storage facilities in both China and Ghana, with an additional warehouse opening soon in Kenya. Your goods are carefully packaged and stored to ensure safety and quality while awaiting shipment. Additionally, we manage the entire customs clearance process, simplifying the often complex procedures to ensure your shipments pass through smoothly and efficiently, minimizing delays and reducing hassle at the port.
We collaborate with businesses of all sizes, offering customized shipping solutions to meet their specific needs. Our transparent and competitive pricing ensures you get the best value without compromising on quality or service.